Deep Discount Coupon Codes and Deals 2025

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Deep Discount is an online retailer of popular DVDs, Blu-rays, music and other products, based out of Itasca, Illinois, United States. The privately held company is owned by DirectToU, LLC, and is known for its affordable pricing and daily deals. Their products can be found at, which was launched in 1998.

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About Deep Discount

You can make savings on your online purchases by using special Deep Discount coupons. These can be redeemed for various offer and deals, and we keep an up to date list of them here at Coupofy, so be sure to check back before ordering.

Deep Discount

Over the years Deep Discount has also had a presence on marketplace sites like Amazon on Ebay, but now mainly sells through their own website.

Deep Discount Sells

Deep Discount's selection includes:

  • DVDs and Blu-rays of popular Movies and TV Shows, including box sets. As well as Fitness DVDs.
  • CDs and Vinyl of current and vintage music.
  • Video Games (covering Playstation 4 & PS3, PS Vita, Xbox One & Xbox 360, Nintendo 3DS, and Wii & Wii U)
  • Video Game Accessories (Blank Game Cases, Guitar for Music Games, and more).
  • Electronics (Headphones, Speakers, Blank Discs & Media, Vinyl Accessories, and more).
  • Collectibles (Licensed Mugs & Figures, Jewelry, Bags, Posters, and more).
  • Clothing (Tees, Hoodies, Hats, and more).

Unless otherwise stated your Deep Discount coupon code can be used for products in any of the above categories.

The site is very easy to use as you can browse the above categories, or use the search bar if you have something specific in mind. Depending on the category product listings can be refined by Genre, Format (12 Inch Single etc), Size, Color, Artist, Price Range, Popularity, among others.

There is also an affiliate program that allows you to refer new customers for commission on any purchases they make.

Payment Methods

Deep Discount accept payment from Paypal and Paypal Credit, which allows you to buy now and pay later. You can also use common credit cards such as American Express, Discover, Visa, and Mastercard.

To redeem a Deep Discount coupon code all you have to do is enter said code in to the promotional box during checkout.

Shipping Options

Deep Discount cater to both domestic customers within the United States, and international customers, both with very reasonable shipping prices.

In the US you can get Standard Delivery completely free if you spend more than $25 without having to use a Deep Discount promo code. Below this threshold Standard is $1.99. Orders will take up to 10 business days to arrive.

You can also pay extra for Expedited Delivery (starting at $3.99 for 2 to 5 business days), Second Day (starting at $7.99), and Nex Day (starting at $9.99). The total amount depends on how many items you order.

Non contiguous addresses in Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, APO/FPO, and PO Boxes, are only eligible for Standard or Expedited options.

International Orders are handled by DHL or Globalmail and are charged starting at $6.99 for shipping. Orders can take up to 12 business days to arrive.

Return Policy

Returns are accepted within 30 days of the dispatch date, for a full refund or exchange. You will be responsible for the return shipping costs unless you have received a damaged or defective item. If so, the store will fully pay all of the associated return expenses. Unwanted products must be in their original brand new state, including all of the packaging.

Of course if you have used any Deep Discount promo codes to get a discount, you will only be refunded the amount charged after the discount was applied.

All orders come shipped with a return form and prepaid label (the cost of which will be deducted from your refund or store credit).

If you wish to use your own shipping method the package should be addressed to:
ATTN: CDF Returns Dept
300 Omicron Court STE A
Shepherdsville, KY 40165-9794
United States


A photo posted by 1234gorecords (@1234gorecords) on


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