Tree Classics Coupon Codes and Deals 2025

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Tree Classics is a leading retailer or artificial trees, mainly focussing on Christmas Trees. The privately held company is owned by Heavenly Holidays LLC, and is headquartered in Lake Barrington, Illinois, United States. There it operates a single showroom, though most of its business is now conducted online through the store. They also market their inventory through a traditional mail order catalog.

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About Tree Classics

The online store is particularly popular because of the special offers available. We keep an updated list of Tree Classics coupons here at Coupofy, which you can use to redeem these offers, so be sure to check back before ordering to make savings!

As well as trees the company also sell a comprehensive range of Christmas decorations.

Leon Gamze currently serves as CEO and the company is estimated to make over $10 million in yearly revenue, much of it seasonal.

Tree Classics

Tree Classics Sells

Tree Classics' online inventory is organized in to several easy to navigate categories, and you can also use the search bar if you have an idea of what you want to buy. Products include their famous Artificial Christmas Tree selection, which come in sizes ranging from 4 feet to over 10 feet, and multiple styles and shapes (real feel, classic, flat back etc).

Wreaths and Garlands come in sizes between 16 and 60 inches, and can be battery powered with lights, or unlit. 

Decorations and accessories include lighting, tree decorations, tree skirts, stockings, storage bags, and much more.

There is also a sales page if you're looking for a bargain. Using a Tree Classics coupon code on top of a discounted item can get you some pretty impressive savings.

Payment Methods

 You can pay for you Tree Classics purchases with:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • American Express
  • Discover
  • Paypal 

To redeem a Tree Classics coupon code all you have to do is enter it in to the promo box ahead of payment. 

Shipping Options

Tree Classics ships to all 50 US States, as well as Puerto Rico and Canada, and has a variety of shipping options, such as FedEx Ground/Home delivery, FedEx 2 Day Air, and FedEx Standard Overnight. Shipping is charged based on the size and value of your order, and its destination.

Sometimes you can also get free shipping with a special Tree Classics promotional code, but this isn't always available.

Return Policy

The company accepts returns on purchases made before December 25th or within 30 days of receipt. Items must be in a new and unused condition, and shipped back or returned in the original packaging, Returns include a 10% restocking fee, unless you yourself received the item in a damaged or defective state.


A photo posted by Tree Classics (@treeclassics) on


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