Sam Ash Coupon Codes and Deals 2025

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Sam Ash is a leading musical instrument retailer headquartered in Hicksville, New York. The privately held business has 45 outlets across the United States, as well as an online store at Here savings can be made on your order with special Sam Ash coupons. Here at Coupofy we collect all of the latest offers and deals so you don't have to.

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About Sam Ash

Richard Ash has served as CEO since 1995, and there are around 1,700 employees. Estimates suggest the company makes upwards of $300 million in revenue each year.

Sam Ash traces its roots back to 1925 when Samuel Ashkynase and his wife pooled their money (including a pawned engagement ring) in order to pay rent for their first store. During these early years they still lived with Sam's parents.

In the beginning they sold musical instruments and phonographs, before introducing radios. They were also selling records before the likes of Sam Goody had even opened their doors.

Sam Ash

Sam Ash has remained a family business ever since. The online store went live in 1998. 

Sam Ash Sells

Sam Ash offers a wide variety of music instruments. Visitors can shop by department with ease.  These include guitars, keyboards, recording equipment, headphones, books, and drums.

You can also shop by brand, with some of the most popular available.  They include Gibson, Korg, Pioneer, Roland, and Samson.

The Sam Ash online store is primarily designed for customers in the United States, though international orders are accepted if you fill out the required online form. This asks for you personal details, location, and the brand and model of the item you wish to purchase. The company will then get back to you to arrange a suitable shipping method.

For US customers the site functions like any typical online store, with information and customer reviews for each product, and a simple basket and checkout system. If you checkout via Paypal you are not required to register an account.

Payment Methods

All major payment methods are supported at including

  • Visa
  • Master card
  • American Express
  • Discover cards
  • Paypal

If you place an order over the phone you can use Money Orders, Personal and business checks. Certain items can also be bought on store credit at 0% interest for 36 months.

To redeem a Sam Ash coupon code all you need to do is enter it in to the designated promotional box during the checkout process, and if it's valid you will see your total order value drop.

Shipping Options

You can have your item prepared for pick-up from a local store for free, or home delivery is also free on all orders over $9.99. You can however pay extra for expedited shipping and from time to time you can get free shipping, regardless of order value, by using select Sam Ash coupons.

Return Policy

Sam Ash accept returns within 45 days from the shipment date, for a full refund. Items however must be in their original unused condition else they may be rejected or subject to a 15% restocking fee. Before sending items back you need to obtain an authorization number by calling customer support.

If you got a discount by using a Sam Ash coupon, you will not be refunded that amount.


A photo posted by Sam Ash Music (@samashmusic) on


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