Norm Thompson Coupon Codes and Deals 2025

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Norm Thompson is a catalog and online retailer of home furnishings, decor, clothing, and gadgets. The privately held company is headquartered in Hillsboro, Oregon, USA, and employs over 500 people through its supply chain. It's currently owned by parent company Orchard Brands, and Martin McClanan serves as president and CEO. The last time the data was made available the company was making over $200 million in revenue each year.

If shopping online at you can get discounts on your purchases by using Norm Thompson coupons. We list all the latest of these here at Coupofy, be sure to check back to claim many great deals and offers.

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About Norm Thompson

Norm Thompson is closely associated with other catalog brands like Sahalie, Winter Silks, and Appleseed's, all of which are now under the Blair banner.

The company has its roots in the post World War II era, and began as Norman Thompson's mail order fly-fishing business. In the 50s he expanded his product range to include clothing and other outdoor items, with clothing quickly becoming its primary market. By the 60s it had become a pioneer in the mail order/catalog industry, as well as opening a few retail outlets as well.

Norm Thompson

In more recent years the inventory has covered a broad range of everyday home items and clothing.

In 2006 Golden Gate Capital Partners' Catalog Holdings subsidiary, Orchard Brands, purchased Norm Thompson.

Norm Thompson Sells

The Norm Thompson online store is found at Blair which is also owned by Orchard Brands has been positioned as the core catalog, with Norm Thompson and the other brands located on sub-domains. Functionally the Norm Thompson store is completely separate.

Norm Thompson provides stylish and affordable clothing for both men and women. Whether travelling or enjoying outdoor activities their aim is for their clothing to be as comfortable and well fitting as possible.

The sites main categories are: What's New, Misses (Women's clothing), Petites (smaller sizes) Plus (larger sizes), Men's, Shoes & Accessories, Travel, and Sale Items.Accessories include wallets, handbags, hats, jewelry, and more.

Payment Methods

While Paypal is not accepted, Norm Thompson accepts all major credit cards and even offers its own Norm Thompson credit card with great incentives. If you don't own a card you can also send in a check or money order to pay for items.

To redeem a Norm Thompson coupon code all you have to do is enter it in to the designated box before payment, and you should see the discount applied.

Shipping Options

The site caters to both US and international customers and you can select your location and local currency from the link at the top of the page. It uses the Borderfree system which allows for fast shipping all over the world. The price of this varies quite a bit, but all of the shipping, taxes and other fees will be clearly outlined on the checkout page.

Standard shipping and several express options are available, depending on how fast you want your delivery.

From time to time you'll also be able to redeem a Norm Thompson coupon code for free shipping.

Return Policy

Norm Thompson has a long returns policy, allowing you to return items unused within 90 days for a full refund. Any later and you will only receive store credit.



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