Heart Rate Monitors USA Coupon Codes and Deals 2025

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Heart Rate Monitors USA is a retailer of heart rate monitors, pedometers, and other health and wellness products, based out of Warminster, Pennsylvania, United States. The privately held company has a single showroom in Doylestown, but does the majority of its sales through their online store at HeartRateMonitorsUSA.com.

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About Heart Rate Monitors USA

You can make savings on your online purchases by using special Heart Rate Monitors USA coupons, which can be redeemed for various offers and deals. We keep an up to sate list of these here at Coupofy, so you're always sure to find something you can use.

The business was founded in 2001 as a small home based operation, but quickly grew to need a warehouse and team of employees. Today the company has 15 permanent members of the team and is an authorized dealer of all of the branded products they sell, meaning the buyer benefits from a full warranty and support.

Heart Rate Monitors USA

Data suggests Heart Rate Monitors USA make upwards of $500,000 in yearly revenue.

Heart Rate Monitors USA Sells

Heart Rate Monitors USA has a wide variety of health and wellness products available, including Heart Rate & Activity Monitors, Blood Pressure Kits, Gear and Clothing for Outdoor Sports, Water Bottles, Scales, Body Fat Measuring, Lung Exercisers, Muscle & Joint Supports, Yoga Gear, Running Gear, Cycling Gear & Equipment, and Gadgets & Electronics (Golf Watches, Altimeters, Public Alert Radios, Home Weather Stations, Action Cams, Earbuds, Batteries, Phone Accessories, and more).

Unless otherwise stated, any Heart Rate Monitors USA coupon code can be redeemed for products in any of the above categories.

The site is very easy to browse via its categories, and you can also use the search bar if you have something specific in mind. Product listings can be further refined by price range, color, features, brand, and other parameters so you're sure to find something for you. There are also user ratings and reviews to help you make the decision.

The separate clearance section is sure to help you find a bargain.

Payment Methods

Purchases can be paid for using most common credit cards at Heart Rate Monitor USA. These include:

  • Discover
  • American Express
  • VISA
  • MasterCard

You can also checkout using your Paypal account.

Redeeming a Heart Rate Monitors USA coupon code simply involves entering the code in to a "promo box" during the checkout process.

Shipping Options

In the United States standard shipping is completely free on orders valued over $35 and can take up to 10 business days to arrive. You do not have to use a heartratemonitorsusa.com coupon code to qualify for this. You can also pay extra for UPS 2nd Day, Overnight, and Overnight Saturday delivery. The rates on these options will be displayed during the checkout process after you have entered a delivery address. 

Return Policy

Returns are accepted on new and unused items within 45 days of the delivery date, for either a refund or replacement. The store reserves the right to charge a 10% restocking fee (which will come out of your refund or credit) should packaging be missing or damaged.

You caan initiate a return from your online account and then print the required shipping label.

Of course if you have used a Heart Rate Monitors USA promotional code to get a discount, you will only be refunded the amount charged after the discount was applied.


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