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FSA25 | Right now: 25% Off Reg-Priced FSA Items With Code FSA25 | Mar 22, 2025 |
About Sells
When it comes down to what they sell, a broad term which could be used is beauty products, as the company has managed to acquire partnerships from a ton of providers, which also means that they sell quite a large number of products. Some of the categories of goods that they are proud to offer at this moment in time include skin care, makeup, fragrance, bath & body, hair products and accessories. The firm also offers free samples for those who would like to try out a couple of products, prior to purchasing them. has partnerships with over 150 brands, whose products are being sold on the site at this moment. The products that are offered are both made in the U.S., but in other countries as well.
Payment Methods
Like most online shops, the payments have to be made prior to receiving the items that have been purchased. Once an item has been added to the shopping cart and users proceed to the checkout page, they will find a couple of payment methods that they can opt for. These include payment by credit card, PayPal, but also the Bill Me Later platform. Cash on delivery and other payment methods are not accepted at this moment.
Shipping Options
Shipping times vary on the availability of the items that have been purchased, and the time needed can range anywhere between 2 to 7 days, which is the average amount for online shops. There are also shipping promotions that are featured occasionally, and these include free shipping, or two day shipping, all of which can be great to take advantage of.
Unfortunately, only ships to the United States, which means that customers from other countries will have to wait for a certain period of time, before the shop decides to extend their services to other areas as well.
Return Policy is proud to offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee, which means that if a customer is not happy with a product that they have purchased, they are welcome to return it within 30 days of the date the item was delivered on. Once this is done, they can either get a refund back on their card or PayPal account, or opt for in-store credit which can then be used to buy other products from the sop.
Jewellery, purses and intimate apparel can only be returned if they are in the original packaging, unworn and undamaged, with all of their original tags still attached. also provides a prepaid shipping label for returns, but the original shipping fees re not refundable.
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