4inkjets Coupon Codes and Deals 2025

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4InkJets is a retailer of printer ink cartridges and refills, based in Long Beach, California. The privately held company remanufactures cartridges for a wide range of  printers, charging a fraction of the price of the official versions, but with a similar lifespan.

4InkJets has one physical retail outlet in Long Beach but does the majority of its business online at 4inkjets.com. Here you can claim great offers and deals be using special 4InkJets coupons. We keep an up to date list of these here at Coupofy so be sure to check back whenever you plan to order to make savings.


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About 4inkjets

Its parent company LD Products, INC, also sells printers themselves along with a range of office supplies. Combined, the two outlets make around $70 million a year and have around 115 permanent employees.

LD Products and the 4InkJets brand were launched together in 1999 by current president Aaron Leon, who was studying at the University of Southern California at the time.


Leon saw a gap in the market for an affordable and comprehensive selection of ink cartridges and realized that by replicating the official brands he could offer them at much cheaper prices. This concept was an immediate success and by 2006 they had moved in to a 25,000-square-foot location, before upgrading again in 2012 to a 110,000-square-foot building.

For 8 years in a row the company was awarded Bizrate's Platinum Circle of Excellence and is also a 5 Star certified merchant for Yahoo. The Los Angeles Business Journal also named them the 34th fastest growing company in LA in 2011. 

4inkjets.com has been taking ink cartridge orders since the business was launched, operating in a traditional online store manner. 

While on the website, you can also take the time to subscribe to their official newsletter or connect with the company on various social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Google+. 

4inkjets Sells

4InkJets stock ink cartridges compatible with hundreds of brands and thousands of individual printer models. Brands include the likes of Brother, Canon, Dell, Epson, Hewlett Packard (HP), Kodak, Konica-Minolta, Kyocera-Mita, Lexmark, Okidata, Panasonic, Pitney Bowes, Ricoh, Samsung, Sharp, Toshiba, and Xerox.

They now also stock spools for 3D printers, including PLA, ABS, NYLON, HIPS and more.

You can also purchase replacement cables for your printer, paper, and ink refill kits. If you're looking for a new printer altogether there are also a handful of new and refurbished LaserJet printers available. A larger selection is available at LD Products.

Unless the offer is product specific, discount 4InkJets coupons can be applied to any of the above categories.

4InkJets makes it very simple to find the right ink and toner that you need using their special finder.  The first thing you need to do is select your printer brand and family.  After selecting your specific model, you will be able to review your options for toner or ink.

Payment Methods

4inkjets.com accept check payment and most major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover. You can also use Paypal and Amazon Payments.

To redeem a 4InkJets coupon code all you have to do is copy the code from Coupofy and paste it in to the designated promo box ahead of payment. If done correctly you should then see your total order price drop as per the deal.

Shipping Options

They currently only ship to customers in the United States, Canada, and other US territories.

All orders bound for the contiguous US  states are shipped for free, while Canada, military addresses and US territories must pay for shipping. Locations include Alaska, Hawaii, APO, FPO, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Marshall Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, & Palau.The cost of this will vary based on the size and value of the order, but will be fully calculated during the checkout process.Bulk orders of 3 or more qualify for discounts off the regular single price. There is no limit on the quantity of items you wish to order, making 4InkJets perfect for businesses.

Return Policy

Unused cartridges and refill kits are eligible for returns for 24 months after the purchase date, for a full refund or exchange. Shipping costs are excluded.


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